The projects
The support of technologies, considered more as a support than an aid must be provided to:
- the associations and institutions in need;
- the impoverished in need (children, youth, elderly, sick, excluded, socially or geo-locally disadvantaged...), whose difficult situation requires special assistance, complementary to the public or private help;
- those in difficulty, to enable them to take charge of their lives as much as possible, for example to suburban youth to access learning and training as a springboard to the (re)integration in society; or people far away without access to health care,...
TSF will support existing projects already taken in charge by associations or public utility agencies (governmental or not) already well established.
These projects are part of the social purpose of TSF and thus assist the most impoverished, wherever they are and from wherever they came.
The purpose of the technological dimension assigned to these projects is not to give them (only) a touch of originality but allows all these initiatives to give them a perennial basis due to focus on both quantitative and qualitative required analyses, performance measurement, evaluation of possible improvements, as well as the foundations to transmit this knowledge to produce positive sought effects: regular, continuous and above all sustainable.
If sustainability is a very important part of the maturity, it is not the ultimate goal of TSF, but undoubtedly to target a greater efficiency, ie. probably the best (the ultimate) contribution proposed by the technology.
In some cases, these technologies will be very useful for particular unique events such as earthquakes, floods or tsunamis.
So in these cases, the main interest of the technological tools is not to be sustainable, but be able to analyse, keep track of consequences, understand and thus better tackle these disasters, pledges to be more effectively prepared in the future.